
There are things that I want to say, but I can't at the moment, and it's hard because I feel torn between two places. I have to play the game and stay silent until the time is right to show my cards and lay them on the table.

People will talk, I expected that, but it hurts when people you thought wouldn't judge you and would have your back, have... I'd honestly rather have an enemy who admits they hate me, instead of a friend who secretly puts me down.

I know who my friends are and I feel so blessed to have such a supportive group of people around me. I actually think that this journey has brought me closer to my friends and my family and I feel able to talk to them about anything without any judgement. It's ironic how a mental illness that can make you feel so alone and broken, can actually open doors and show you paths you never expected to take.

I'm not saying that having a mental illness is a good thing, or an easy thing, but for me it has allowed me to be fully open and honest with myself and with other people, and I feel that each time I talk about it, the more free from it I become.

It's not always your mental health that is the problem: sometimes the situation your are in needs to change.

Hayley x


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