Don't beat yourself up

In the past, and still sometimes now...I beat myself up over little things and put myself down. When I paint something and it doesn't look right, when I don't manage to get to the gym, or when I feel so anxious that I can't even step out of the front door to get some milk.

I've realised that when I paint something I'm not happy with, or if I make a mistake, it's okay. I read a quote the other day that said "Every great artist has a closet full of bad paintings." I'm not a failure when something doesn't turn out how I wanted it to in my head, one bad piece of artwork does not define me and it shouldn't make me question my ability. Besides, I'm sure Picasso made a few rubbish paintings in his day! I've learnt that it's just part of the process of improving your skills, and it's a natural growth that every "great artist" must go through to be better.

The last few months have been a bit of a roller coaster for me and my emotions, I've felt sky high and on cloud nine, and then in the next second in a hole or just above the ground dragging my feet along behind me. Anxiety and depression isn't easy, some people might think that I'm on "holiday" with all of this time off, but it's not as simple as that, and people who haven't experienced it cannot easily understand it. Some can sympathise, but not all know.

All I know is that over these past few months I've learnt more about myself than I have in a lifetime, I've had time to really think, to slow down and stop. Life before just seemed to pass me by like a whirlwind, but now that I've quietened the chaos that is my mind, I'm trying to embrace life and every part of it.

Hayley x


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